Friday, March 25, 2011

Remember you Always have a Choice

Time plays different characters in different situations; gets fast and happy when we are enjoying, go slow and difficult when we are in trouble. But the biggest question is who brought us these conditions to deal with? Time is always in action but triggered always by our very own choices made in those mere seconds. 

Ask yourself did you value your each day in the same way? I don't think so as being human we always understand the importance of something when we are running short of it; so same is with time also. Ask the value of a day to a student who has not studied throughout the year and left with a day for exam, ask the value of a minute to a person who has just missed his train by a minute, ask the value of a second to a sprinter who has just  missed his record performance by a second.

When the sun rise in the morning, along with sunshine it refills the wallet of our life with another 86400 seconds. The fresh new day for everyone with precisely equal share without any specific favor to one or the other. I think GOD is kind and fair enough to bless us with a new opportunity in the form of a fresh new day to finish our tasks that were left unfinished the day before. Now its our turn to play the game as all the action and choice is on our side from here.

If somebody woke up late in the morning; means he or she is not eager enough to open that wallet of day and those moments will not be relived as if you are not spending , in reality you are wasting it and it will not carry forward to the next day of your life. Whatever is the situation or condition remember you always have a choice each day, either take it or leave it...........