Friday, May 20, 2011

Reasoning vs Imagination

There are the times when the events of our life are under the influence of a dialogue going on between the mighty head and the sensitive heart. Where heart understands no boundaries to imagination, head limit the same thought in connection with the real world. Head mainly focus on the cons of a situation by just simply accepting the pros but heart follows whatever it like. Head exercise reasoning to the facts but heart has reasons that no reason can understand. Living by your own rules is the best gift and wish anyone can have in this so called free world. Heart always try to reach for it with the spectacles of imagination and dreams, and reaches that magnitude of happiness which is not practically possible. And that's the same instant when head come into the picture and flips the whole scenario inclined more towards the truth and reality. 

Everyone can feel that conflict going on inside their mind and heart for one or the other instance in life. It can be figure out at home at simple instances like cooking meal for your family where everyone has different taste buds. Head says, "Its easy to make one dish for all" but heart says, "No, let me cook what everyone like the most as per their own choice". When you go out for shopping, you like a dress so much that you can't wait to wear it as if it was made just for you. Heart says, "lets buy it". But head says, "It is over priced and not in my budget this very moment". These are the mere instances of life but the role of both of our organs is not insignificant. It signify our personality that how well we overcome the conflict between the two and let the flow of events turn towards our sense of satisfaction. 

I guess we all have the same biology of head and heart but no two individual have the same attitude towards life. It is the difference of the coordination between our mind and heart or who rules at the given or suggested situation of life. Both are the sailors as well as the saviors  in their own way. Where heart give air to emotions to breathe and lets us feel relationships and their importance, the head keep a check that whatever we do is in accordance with the real world, close to facts and identify our existence.    

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Living it......

This morning is as usual as every Sunday morning in every manner from an easy going feeling to spend the whole day, a nice and lavish breakfast, reading the so many different "Sunday only" editions of newspaper in leisure, catching up with the usual Sunday chores of grocery shopping to laundry and internet all. I was in a mood to enjoy and carry my day with all these and it was going well. But a word from my baby girl has changed the way i was looking forward my day to be. She called me "Mummy"...I think Wow! was the only expression i knew at that time. I couldn't believe my ears. So, asked my husband  have u heard what she said just now?  He simply smiled and said, yeah she is calling you. I just hold her tight in my arms and kiss her to thank for that lovely and only word i was dying to hear from her.  

For the last fifteen days she has added few words in her vocabulary as she use to say 'HI' when she woke up in the morning, not a single person from our door went back without waving back a 'BYE' from her whether my maid, milkman, delivery boy or anyone in the neighborhood. She can do numbering up to ten.  She has even learned the tunes of her rhymes n humming and dancing to it throughout the day. When i scold her for something and say no to her, she use to reply back with another 'NO' pointing her finger towards me as if she is imitating me. I used to enjoy every single word coming from her but back in my mind i asked myself every single day that when she would call me mummy?

Today when she surprised me in the morning i thought i must not expect anything more as i already got the best of the day to celebrate. Sharing that feeling is beyond the words but it is something awesome, reviving, accomplished, proud and earned moment of my life. Anyway i hold the title of mummy since the day she was born but  from today onwards i would actually start living it with my baby girl. Love you my baby ......


Friday, March 25, 2011

Remember you Always have a Choice

Time plays different characters in different situations; gets fast and happy when we are enjoying, go slow and difficult when we are in trouble. But the biggest question is who brought us these conditions to deal with? Time is always in action but triggered always by our very own choices made in those mere seconds. 

Ask yourself did you value your each day in the same way? I don't think so as being human we always understand the importance of something when we are running short of it; so same is with time also. Ask the value of a day to a student who has not studied throughout the year and left with a day for exam, ask the value of a minute to a person who has just missed his train by a minute, ask the value of a second to a sprinter who has just  missed his record performance by a second.

When the sun rise in the morning, along with sunshine it refills the wallet of our life with another 86400 seconds. The fresh new day for everyone with precisely equal share without any specific favor to one or the other. I think GOD is kind and fair enough to bless us with a new opportunity in the form of a fresh new day to finish our tasks that were left unfinished the day before. Now its our turn to play the game as all the action and choice is on our side from here.

If somebody woke up late in the morning; means he or she is not eager enough to open that wallet of day and those moments will not be relived as if you are not spending , in reality you are wasting it and it will not carry forward to the next day of your life. Whatever is the situation or condition remember you always have a choice each day, either take it or leave it...........


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happiness in a day......

I have learned by experience that there is no shortcut to happiness in life. But on the other hand at the same moment i truly believe that the tiny details of life unveils the passage of larger than life happiness for us. We just need to recognize and respond to them. A day in your life is a series of events lined up; most of them are routine, some of them are planned, some expected and of course some are unexpected. But the one which sweeps our whole day mostly are the unexpected and sudden moments. Yeah they become the winner and defeat the significance of our hearty felt moments in a day. What overpower the day is our restricting stress and importance towards uneven things as these are trying to invade in our comfort zone. 

If we give a look beyond a sudden moment, i am sure we will find plenty of reasons for making a day happy. On an average, a  nice day at work, successful completion of a project, scoring high in exams, your favorite dish from mom for meal, appreciation from someone, a smile from your child when back home, making a good friend, making good money, watching movie with family and loved ones or even a good decision towards life are just a few moments felt by us nearly a day. I can sense that while reading only about the good moments mentioned above you have started recalling your moment of the day. So live your moment of the day and give it the due significance of happiness.          

Monday, March 21, 2011

Srange but true...

Whenever life seems to flow smoothly n we think that everything is going as per our plan, at that very moment life brings us its strange face. All the unexpected things show their presence and we are bound to realize that everything which is unseen or not felt by us till day also exist in life somewhere at some point waiting for us. That's the way the cycle of life takes it turns and twists and moves us ahead towards growth. Yeah just to deal with the unfavorable conditions we equipped ourselves to get back on track and taste the real flavor of life. That is growth, a real growth in every manner.   

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reasons 2 smile more..........

I simply believe that the best companion in life is SMILE. The best view to live is to see someone smiling; may it be the innocent and selfless smile of a baby, a loving smile of the couple in love, a dreaming smile of an expecting lady, an exciting n surprising smile of  a new mom on the first sight of her baby, a proud smile of  the parents on the achievements of their child, an achieving smile of getting the first appointment letter, a life- time smile of the parents on getting that very first gift from their child........what's common there; it is the expression of happiness which is felt in the heart but shared with others in the form of a smile. Yeah an easy way to express all those words of joy in just one go... just give a smile.....