Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tom & Jerry seems old now....

Tom & Jerry seems old now... Oh yes i realized it today the moment i observed my one and a half year old daughter enjoying those  much advanced and beautiful animated bunch of cartoons. I was amazed to see the way she was responding to their actions and listening to their polyphonic sounds and accents. She was basking in complete fun; dancing to the soothing but peppy tunes, clapping the moment some character jumps, fall down or laugh. Her reaction to these actions make me feel that she has developed the sense to identify the daily to do actions now.  Although she respond quickly to music always but today was her introduction to the toon world. 
That's not the only new thing that happened today. It has uprooted me from today and took me back to my childhood. My favorites were always Tom & Jerry. I still remember those Sunday morning breakfast which are longer than any other day. No its not the more eating but more watching. I think that no other fight is so  enjoyable and fun to watch than this pair of catty & mouse. After having my share of funny moments from old memories i surfaced to present and joined my daughter. I was aware of so many cartoon characters but never give an intentional eye to them before. They are real fun to watch: noddy, bob the builder, pokemon, Mr bean, Shaun the sheep, the roly mo show, perman and so on... Frankly speaking in our days we don't have so many alternatives.  The best thing about them is not that they are attractive and smart in look but they relate many things from the real world. No doubt they are imaginary but what's the harm if they can teach something real to our kids.