Thursday, December 2, 2010

A handful of taste.....

Hmmmm the taste of food is traversing from normal to tastiest and i bet it would never going to be more relishing than the meals i am having these days. I can't explain in words how loving are the moments when tiny-tiny  hands of my little baby doll ; Tashi put those tiny pieces of food in my mouth from her plate. Yeah its role reversal these days. She always make sure that in everything she eat, there is a share for me which i must eat the moment she wants. I must say she is my boss these days......  


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Identify yourself

It's my inner conversation and experience which deeply effects my thoughts and actually my life. The outer world is just a reflection of whatever my conscious mind reads and interpret. I am just a follower of my own thoughts no matter from where they triggered. A happy moment of day is because i dwells in happy thoughts but if i am sad; means definitely some debilitating thoughts are capturing my mind. We live in such a vast world with every now and then changing circumstances. How far we would be able to overlook and neglect them? No, its not easy to move ahead without giving an eye to them. But we can be decisive about the impact by restricting them to effect us so far we can handle them. We surrender to the outer events because we think them strong and equipped enough to submit. We just feed them with that zest with which they are going to hit us.

The cycle of events is even in the life of all men, the only difference is the point of time they met with it. Do you think that's the only difference? Difference definitely lies in the way they deal with it. It may happen that in the same circumstances one is enjoying his success but the other got trapped. Its just the matter of their thinking. analysis of the present and interpretation. The day we would learn to master our thoughts, we would identify the real i, real you and real we... ...  

Self-disciplined begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do. Simply, self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tom & Jerry seems old now....

Tom & Jerry seems old now... Oh yes i realized it today the moment i observed my one and a half year old daughter enjoying those  much advanced and beautiful animated bunch of cartoons. I was amazed to see the way she was responding to their actions and listening to their polyphonic sounds and accents. She was basking in complete fun; dancing to the soothing but peppy tunes, clapping the moment some character jumps, fall down or laugh. Her reaction to these actions make me feel that she has developed the sense to identify the daily to do actions now.  Although she respond quickly to music always but today was her introduction to the toon world. 
That's not the only new thing that happened today. It has uprooted me from today and took me back to my childhood. My favorites were always Tom & Jerry. I still remember those Sunday morning breakfast which are longer than any other day. No its not the more eating but more watching. I think that no other fight is so  enjoyable and fun to watch than this pair of catty & mouse. After having my share of funny moments from old memories i surfaced to present and joined my daughter. I was aware of so many cartoon characters but never give an intentional eye to them before. They are real fun to watch: noddy, bob the builder, pokemon, Mr bean, Shaun the sheep, the roly mo show, perman and so on... Frankly speaking in our days we don't have so many alternatives.  The best thing about them is not that they are attractive and smart in look but they relate many things from the real world. No doubt they are imaginary but what's the harm if they can teach something real to our kids.

Monday, August 16, 2010

That's the way life is...

Who is the one who can define you the best? Who knows you the best? How many times have you asked yourself in a situation that you can or can't? Do you frequently hear yourself saying i can't? If you say this quite often, surely one day you"ll soon start believing it. You are what you think and you feel what you want. You just need to believe in yourself and a statement to yourself that you certainly can. All our feelings, knowledge and beliefs are the inspirations of our internal thoughts. All our actions and reactions to any situations in our lives are the articulations of our touch with the real world. The way you deal with the outer world, the same you"ll learn. The choice is on our side as life only gives us challenges, the way we fight actually builds our character and personality. So why complaints; life is quite fair with giving us opportunities.   

It feels so strange to feel an uplift at a moment and an offbeat the another one. Where does the difference lies? No its not the matter of time. Time never change its properties for anyone. Our thinking and attitude towards the moment distinguish them to the happy and sad part of our life. Positivity towards any situation will surely not the solution to get through it, but gives the strength to find the solutions. Just love and believe whatever you do and feel how the confidence follows and reflect in your thoughts and actions. That's the way life is...