Friday, May 20, 2011

Reasoning vs Imagination

There are the times when the events of our life are under the influence of a dialogue going on between the mighty head and the sensitive heart. Where heart understands no boundaries to imagination, head limit the same thought in connection with the real world. Head mainly focus on the cons of a situation by just simply accepting the pros but heart follows whatever it like. Head exercise reasoning to the facts but heart has reasons that no reason can understand. Living by your own rules is the best gift and wish anyone can have in this so called free world. Heart always try to reach for it with the spectacles of imagination and dreams, and reaches that magnitude of happiness which is not practically possible. And that's the same instant when head come into the picture and flips the whole scenario inclined more towards the truth and reality. 

Everyone can feel that conflict going on inside their mind and heart for one or the other instance in life. It can be figure out at home at simple instances like cooking meal for your family where everyone has different taste buds. Head says, "Its easy to make one dish for all" but heart says, "No, let me cook what everyone like the most as per their own choice". When you go out for shopping, you like a dress so much that you can't wait to wear it as if it was made just for you. Heart says, "lets buy it". But head says, "It is over priced and not in my budget this very moment". These are the mere instances of life but the role of both of our organs is not insignificant. It signify our personality that how well we overcome the conflict between the two and let the flow of events turn towards our sense of satisfaction. 

I guess we all have the same biology of head and heart but no two individual have the same attitude towards life. It is the difference of the coordination between our mind and heart or who rules at the given or suggested situation of life. Both are the sailors as well as the saviors  in their own way. Where heart give air to emotions to breathe and lets us feel relationships and their importance, the head keep a check that whatever we do is in accordance with the real world, close to facts and identify our existence.